Create a Basement Playroom

For a growing family, a basement may be the perfect space to add a kids playroom. A basement offers ample square footage for furniture, kids toys, stuffed animals, and art supplies, ideal space for a basement playroom. And relocating a playroom to the basement means it won’t be the first room a guest sees when visiting your home. Below are a few ideas for transforming your downstairs space into the perfect basement playroom. 

Basement Playroom


Flooring is an important consideration when creating a safe space for your kids. Hard flooring can be cold and potentially dangerous. If your basement already has hard flooring, adding a shaggy, large area rug will create a warmer and softer space (you can even purchase machine-washable area rugs from websites like this one).


Designating a specific room or space for a kids playroom provides the opportunity to organize everything by installing kid-friendly shelving (these cubbies from IKEA are great for young kids). Organize toys and art supplies with baskets and add labels to make it easier for cleaning up at the end of the day. You can also organize this space by adding stations. For instance, set up tables and small chairs in one corner for art supplies, paper, crayons, easels, etc. Another corner may be perfect for a kids kitchen or dollhouse. And along a different wall, set up the cubbies and baskets for the extra toys and books.

Basement Playroom


Create a youthful and vibrant environment by painting the walls. Bright colors liven up a darker space and encourages creativity and imagination. Another option is adding wainscotting and painting above it to prevent small hands and fingers from smudging the walls. A fun way to add creativity to the space is a chalkboard wall, using chalkboard paint that allows kids to draw and experiment with chalk without damaging the walls. 


As usual with basements, lighting is so important. If the space does not have good natural light, add lamps and even string lights to provide a well lit space for play and reading.  

Think About the Future

As your kids grow, you want a space that can grow with them. Consider purchasing neutral shelving, furniture and rugs, etc., that can age with them. As the years pass, you can easily repaint the walls or convert the space from a kids playroom to a movie room or hangout spot.